All games at Augsburg Arena, 2323 Riverside Ave
To claim a remaining spot Venmo $425 to @AllElite9
Women and Men Class A will begin play Thursday night March 20 at 5:30pm. All other divisions must be prepared to play by 5:30pm Friday March 21.
Women A
1 Bee Squad
2 MN Gray Ducks
3 L'Equipe
4 Arctic Blast
Women B
1 Sweater Weather
2 Parkway Ice Queens
3 Twin Ports Renegades
4 Rapid Fire
5 Storm
6 MN Mild
7 Frostbite
Co-Rec A/B
1 T Reckless
2 Cold Chalupas
3 Nordiques
4 Squall
5 Knights
6 Griffins
7 Blizzard
Men A
1 Blizzard
2 Met X
3 MN Chiefs
4 C&L
5 Kelly Lake
Men B
1 Flames
2 Mels Boys
3 Ice Mafia
4 Red Rock
5 Wolves
6 Pete North Stars
Men C
1 Ice Pirates
2 Flying Beavers
3 Cheap Seats
4 The Academy V2.0
5. Mofo's
AEB reserves the right to combine divisions of play to maintain format, and/or competitive balance.
All teams are guaranteed at least three games. Registration will begin 1/1/25 with an entry fee of $425 for all divisions of play.
The roster limit is fifteen for all divisions of play, with co-rec able to register a maximum of eight males. Rosters must be turned in by Monday March 17.